The 3 Arena just 15 minutes from Beresford Hotel IFSC

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The 3 Arena just 15 minutes from Beresford Hotel IFSC

The 3 Arena is one of Dublin City Centre’s finest venues. Located 15 minutes from Beresford Hotel IFSC, The 3 has played host to some of the world’s most renowned performers from music, theatre, opera and ballet.

The Luas brings you from Beresford Hotel IFSC to The 3 Arena in less than 10 minutes or you can take the 12-15 minute stroll from the hotel. Directions are below.

Directions to The 3 Arena.

  1. Exit Beresford Hotel IFSC and walk straight, passing the Luas stop.
  2. Cross the main road and continue straight through the IFSC.
  3. The 3 Arena is at the end of this road.

For a more scenic walk follow the River Liffey to The 3 Arena.

  1. Turn right outside Beresford Hotel IFSC and follow the road to the left.
  2. Cross the road at the traffic lights passing the Eternal Flame monument.
  3. Follow the footpath to the left.
  4. The 3 Arena is at the top of this road.

